“Neural”, refers to the nervous system of the body, which includes the Brain, Spinal Cord, Autonomic Nervous System and Peripheral Nerves. These delicate systems act as a communication highway throughout the body and when they are not operating properly, pain and loss of many functions can occur.
NTT & NM identifies nerve restrictions and fixation while examining their effects on the rest of the body. Proper nerve function, electrically, is essential to the body’s function.
A soft and gentle “Hands–On” Osteopathic Manual Therapy
It is generally combined with other Osteopathic Manual Therapies.
● Back Pain, Sciatica
● Head Injuries, Concussions, Migraines
● Trigeminal Neuralgia & Neuritis
● TMJ Syndromes
● Whiplash
● Joint Pains
● Digestive Disorders – Vagus nerve conditions
● Thoracic Outlet / Inlet Syndromes
● Birth Injuries
● Carpal Tunnel syndrome
● Respiratory conditions – COPD, asthma, and more
Disclaimer: This information is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy.
Want to explore how Craniosacral Therapy can benefit you, feel free to send us a message for more information.
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Hands That Hear You
Copyright © 2025 Hands That Hear You - All Rights Reserved.
Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.
Disclaimer: Neither Nina, nor Luc are medical doctors and do not treat or diagnose.
They are osteopathic manual therapists who work with their hands. They assist and assess patients' needs.
This information is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy.